02/07/19 |
For almost three years it has been challenging to read helpful manuals,
supplemented with attending same material inspired classes.
Homework? Decipher and disseminate volumes of reading material into
helpful, practical and useful selfhelp. In the most recent couple of
years or so through your help, I have been able to firmly plant my feet
on a helpful path, keeping in mind and knowing your prayers have been
most helpful too!
Quick highlights and realizations:
1. Depression is time-limited.
2. Activity is a remedy for depression.
3. Depressive thinking is a state of mind, not a concrete reality.
Twelve Techniques for Alleviating Depression (short form):
1. Eat healthy.
2. Stick to priorities.
3. Look for the novel.
4. Persist
5. Resolve conflicts.
6. Exercise.
7. Maintain relations.
8. Learn relaxation methods.
9. Dispute negative thinking.
10. Use downtime constructively.
11. Plan special activities.
12. Get fresh air and sun.
NOTE: Long form link(s) available upon request.
The Holiday Season is a good test to know if one has made progress I
I feel I have and am most grateful once again for your help. Just imagine those I will be able to help as you have!
Your tithing will continue to return ten fold making an eternal
realization from hatred to love. I can only pray I will experience a
like faith and recompense. Does one know? Or is it a just a loving
Belief feels so, so powerful, hopeful.
Your comments and suggestions are welcome please e-Mail me when you have the time. |
This site was last updated 12/09/15